Artbreaking with Charlie Finch

“Everybody wants you to work for nothing”

Sylvia Miles

Sylvia Miles

Stuart Horodner

Lisa Hoke, Light My Fire, site-specific installation, paper and glue, 40' × 20', 2006, Rice University Moody Arts Center, Houston, TX.

Episode 7
Actress, art collector and two time academy award nominee Sylvia Miles talks about her acting rolls and growing up in Little Italy. Artist Lisa Hoke and her dealer Stuart Horodner talk about her upcoming show at Horodner Romley Gallery at 107 Sullivan Street, New York, NY (1992–1996) Musical breaks are cuts from blues album "Two Heads are Better" by Harmonica Fats and Bernie Pearl. aired on November 7th, 1994.


Artbreaking with Charlie Finch